
14th April 2024

3rd Sunday of Easter

A ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have

Collect: May your people exult for ever, O God, in renewed youthfulness of spirit, so that, rejoicing now in the restored glory of our adoption, we may look forward in confident hope to the rejoicing of the day of resurrection. Through our Lord …


Acts 3:13-15,17-19
Ps 4:2,4,7,9 -1
Jn 2:1-5
Gospel: Lk 24:35-48

The disciples told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised Jesus at the breaking of bread. They were still talking about all this when Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ In a state of alarm and fright, they thought they were seeing a ghost. But he said, ‘Why are you so agitated, and why are these doubts rising in your hearts? Look at my hands and feet; yes, it is I indeed. Touch me and see for yourselves; a ghost has no flesh and bones as you can see I have.’ And as he said this he showed them his hands and feet. Their joy was so great that they still could not believe it, and they stood there dumbfounded; so he said to them, ‘Have you anything here to eat?’ And they offered him a piece of grilled fish, which he took and ate before their eyes.

Then he told them, ‘This is what I meant when I said, while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms has to be fulfilled.’

He then opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, ‘So you see how it is written that the Christ would suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that, in his name, repentance for the forgiveness of sins would be preached to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses to this.’.

Why are these doubts rising in your hearts?

In the face of the Apostles’ disbelief and wonder, Jesus had them give him some broiled fish and ate it before their eyes. In this and in other accounts, one can discern a repeated invitation to overcome incredulity and believe in Christ’s Resurrection, since his disciples are called to be witnesses precisely of this extraordinary event. The Resurrection of Christ is central to Christianity. It is a fundamental truth to be reasserted vigorously in every epoch, since to deny it, as has been, and continues to be attempted, or to transform it into a purely spiritual event, is to thwart our very faith. St Paul states: “If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (I Cor 15: 14). In the days that followed the Lord’s Resurrection, the Apostles stayed together, comforted by Mary’s presence, and after the Ascension they persevered with her in prayerful expectation of Pentecost. Our Lady was a mother and teacher to them, a role that she continues to play for Christians of all times…
Pope Benedict XVI, III Easter Sunday, 2006.

What is Easter

The word “Easter” comes from Old English, meaning simply the “East.” The sun which rises in the East, bringing light, warmth, and hope, is a symbol for the Christian of the rising Christ, who is the true Light of the world. The Paschal Candle used during the Easter Vigil is a central symbol of this divine light, which is Christ … There are 50 days of Easter from the first Sunday to Pentecost. It is characterized, above all, by the joy of glorified life and the victory over death expressed most fully in the great resounding cry of the Christian: Alleluia! All faith flows from faith in the resurrection.
USCCB online.

Readings Next Sunday (4th of Easter)

  1. Acts 4:8-12
  2. Ps 117: –
  3. John 3:1-2
  4. 10:11-18

Weekly News

Upcoming meeting: Friday 26 April, 6:30pm at the Parish Office, all are welcome.

Confirmations will be on Sat 18 May, and First Communions on Sat 1 June during the 6pm Masses in AK. Keep our candidates in your prayers.

Full Mass is required. The latest you may arrive is at the Offertory.

Volunteers urgently needed for Sundays 9 to 1:30. Shifts available. Info at shop or Fr. Jim. We’re now open on Saturdays too!

Thank you for your food donations, contributions and prayers. For information, please contact Fr. Fernando 9993 3130

Mass Schedule

  • Monday, Tuesday, and Friday …… 9am in Agia Kyriaki.
  • Wednesday ………… Eucharistic Adoration 10:50am, Mass 12pm.
  • Thursday ………. Mass 9am. Adoration, (Rosary and vespers) 6pm AK.
  • Saturday …………… 4 and 6pm AK. (6pm in town of Polis)
  • Sunday ……………… 10, 11 and 12pm in AK.

Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesdays 10:45 am, Thursdays 6 pm in AK.
Sri Lankan Mass: Every 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm.
Filipino Mass: Every last Sunday of the month at 12 pm.

It is written that the Christ should die …

and on the third day rise from the dead.